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My Story

I am a mom to a six-year-old boy named Elias and twin toddler girls named Tenisen and Jesien. I have always loved crafts: scapbooking, knitting, crocheting. I have recently found my passion for ribbon sculpture.  Since having girls, I have also found that hair bows are a must and cute hair bows are a luxury.  I wanted to create hair bows that I would be proud to have my girls wear; thus, the sculpture bow frenzy ensued. I realized, after getting requests from some friends, that I was good at it and, not only that, I loved it!  It gives me a chance to decompress with a little creativity when I close my craft room door at night after the kids have gone to bed.  

The name Bow and Apple came from my husband.  I asked him to help me come up with something catchy and meaningful. I have taught middle school Language Arts for 16 years now--hence the apple. The bow part is obvious.  But another layer of meaning is from the story of William Tell who was ordered to shoot an apple off his son's head because he failed to bow to a hat placed atop a pole by the Austrian leader who was trying to dominate his town. Tell was known as an expert marksman and a brave man with integrity and conviction.  I hope to run my small venture with integrity and conviction as well.  

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